Gray (senior) seeking an adopter

Travel Fund: Adopter Led




10 years old (Feb 25)


Mixed breed

Current Location


Country to Adopt to



Gray is a sweet senior girl at 10 years old, she is spayed, vaccinated, chipped. She is medium sized at 12kg in weight.
She is found left in the snow near an abandoned house in middle of wood. She was covered in blood, and not able to eat, just laying at in one place.
When she was rescued and arrived at the vet, they did urgent operation for pyometra (she was then spayed)  She very nearly did not pull through.  But eventually rallied and made a full recovery.
She has clearly spent her whole life on a chain and despite this she is very happy and friendly. She wants to know people and live life.
She lives indoors at the shelter and she is really happy with that. She walks well on a leash and loves to get fuss and cuddles.  When left alone she just sleeps.
Gray would approach any stranger people to ask for a cuddle. She can live together with other dogs without issues, we would prefer for her to have company with older or calmer dogs- she does not appreciate being around boisterous or hyper active dogs.

Type of Home Needed

A loving home happy to adopt an older dog.

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