Ollie (paralysed and incontinent)- seeking an adopter

Travel Fund: Rescuer/ adopter (shared)




6 months as of Sept 24



Current Location


Country to Adopt to



Ollie had a home, but was hit by a car outside. The owner wanted to put him to sleep because he may never walk again. A rescuer persuaded her to give him over to her to see if he could be helped.
He is incontinent and does not always leak on his own so he HAS to be manually expressed.  This is a requirement of our rescue for all incontinent animals whether they leak or not.
He is neutered and weighs 2.5kg approx.
He is extremely loving and friendly with people, he purrs for everyone even if he has never met them before.
He is very new to being around other cats but has not been aggressive, just a little cautious. His rescuer is working with this. We believe he can live with cats with sensible introductions. Videos of meetings available upon request.

Ollie’s ideal home would be someone with experience of incontinent animals.

Type of Home Needed

A loving home that can care for an incontinent cat.

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