Biscuit- NON disabled

Travel Fund: Rescuers in full




1.5 years (as of Feb 25)


Mixed (medium sized)

Current Location

Cairo, Egypt

Country to Adopt to



Biscuit is spayed and ready to travel to the UK. She is good with cats, dogs, people of all ages including young children.
Biscuit has a lovely kind and calm nature she is a true lady not only in her looks but her manners. She does everything very smoothly even when she plays she is gentle and gorgeous.
Biscuit’s rescuer found her when they were catching female dogs to get them sterilised near a petrol station, she lived on the pavement outside a cafe.
A man who works there told her rescuer that Biscuit is one of the kindest dogs he has ever seen and that sadly she was forever chased away by the manager of the cafe, but her hunger would drive her back hoping a kind client will throw her any left overs.
When her rescuer tried to catch her it was such a pleasant surprise as Biscuit just let them pick her up and put her in their own car without any trouble at all. So off they went to the vets and Biscuit was spayed that day.
During recovery it was so obvious that Biscuit isn’t a typical street girl she was so friendly and so loving and her rescuer found it impossible to return her back to the streets and put her life in any kind of danger.
So since then Biscuit has been under their care and it’s now time for her to have her own forever home.
Please give this lady a chance she is full of love and wonderful manners and she will be your grateful forever baby girl.
All the travel expenses will be covered by her rescuer.

Type of Home Needed

A home happy to adopt a dog that will need time to adjust and find her feet. A home willing to put the work into basic training and life skills with a young dog.

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