Travel Fund: Rescuers
2 years and 3 months (as of Feb 25)
Mixed breed (Saluki x Whippet)
Current Location
Country to Adopt to
Charlie is a lovely young male dog. He is neutered and weighs around 24kg. He gets along very well with other dogs and has been non reactive when meeting children and cats. He walks very nicely on a harness and leash.
His rescuer described him as a very amiable character. He was originally rescued as a lone tiny puppy hiding in a hole in the ground in an industrial area. He was fostered for a time and ever since then has been living in a boarding facility. His rescuer has tried really hard to rehome him in UAE but this hasn’t been possible so she asked us to help.
Type of Home Needed
A loving home happy to adopt a dog, that need to be taught basic life skills. An active home with plenty to offer in terms of enrichment and stimulation.