Travel Fund: Adopter led/ possible help from MM
Current Location
Country to Adopt to
He was having some mobility issues with his hindlegs but they have improved since being on B12 and glucosamine supplements. He is blind in one eye. He has been cat, dog and child tested and was reserved and sweet with everyone he met.
He is a little on the timid side but not overly fearful. He just tends to hang back and assess situations rather than steaming in to investigate. Bondoq weighs around 37kg so is a big boy.
His rescuer has spent around 5 times his monthly salary on medical bills so far so is not in a position to pay anything towards travel costs, but really wants Bondoq to find a home. If not he will have no choice but to send him back to the streets again which would be so distressing for Bondoq and his rescuer. His rescuer lives in a small flat with 2 cats who do not like dogs so he cannot take him back to his home.
Type of Home Needed