Travel Fund: Adopter led/ potential support from MM
3 years old DOB 1.11.2021
Mixed breed
Current Location
Country to Adopt to
Nour was born on the street without eyes. His mother was a street dog who mated with a free roaming GSD male. Nour was rescued because of his blindness. He has been staying with his rescuer ever since but she would like to see him adopted to a good home in the UK.
He gets on well with all kinds of dogs including puppies. He needs to live with another dog as he somewhat relies on them as a guide. He needs to be fed separately from other animals to prevent food aggression. He is good with people of all ages but cannot live with cats.
He can cry if he feels lost or disorientated. He can also bark as a means of getting you to stroke him more as he is very appreciative of touch and tactile cues. He loves treats and toys. He is playful but gentle with people and dogs.
He is neutered and is overweight at around 35kg. He needs to be lose some of this.
He does not like to wear coats or T-shirts of any kind.
Type of Home Needed
A loving home, happy to adopt a blind dog, that will need time to adjust and find his feet. A home willing to put the work into basic training and life skills with a dog.